Below you'll find some key principles that underpin how we work
The origins of our work are in studying the mental skills elite athletes use to achieve their goals, thrive under physical and mental challenges, and maximise potential. Inspired by this approach, we believe every person and group has a set of unique strengths that can be recognised, utilised and enhanced that can help them to overcome challenges.
We've learned that applied research works best by forming strong partnerships with community organisations, services, and local government. We’re committed to working with our partners to co-produce mutually beneficial research that addresses important societal challenges. We recognise how much there is to learn from our partners, and the value that different perspectives and expertise bring.
Being psychologically-informed means basing one's work on relevant psychological theory, working from and contributing to the evidence base, engaging in regular meaningful reflection, and above all, nurturing relationships between agencies, staff teams, and with clients.
empowering communities
Long-term changes are achieved by tapping into our internal motivation – finding the inner drive to move in a positive direction. We are passionate about helping people help themselves.