Welcome to our TOOLKIT page.
We believe that resources for promoting psychologically informed delivery and strengths-based practice should be easily accessible to all. Building upon the MST4Life™ project, on this page you can find out about our MST Toolkits, which were co-designed with our collaborators.​​
Watch this video to find out about the launch of our Mental Skills Training Toolkits in 2020.
Mental Skills Training is a commonly used sport psychology technique to help athletes perform at their best. Building from this strengths-based approach, our toolkit has adapted common mental skills training tools to help young people build their mental skills for life - built from our programme My Strengths Training for Life.
This part of the toolkit is for any staff or practitioners that want to foster positive outcomes in the young people they work with but aren't always sure how.
Our toolkit offers a range of resources to help you support your client with proven, evidence-based tools.
To accompany our main toolkit, we've also developed a guide for staff and practitioners to help build confidence and competence to deliver the toolkit content in a psychologically informed way.
Our guide was created in response to feedback from staff and experts in the field who attended our toolkit launch.
In this resource we give practitioners and commisioners useful tips for planning and evaluating strengths-based development programmes.
We build from evidence-based frameworks and our first hand experiences.
Essential reading if you want to deliver an impactful programme.
What is an accessible pdf?
To ensure our toolkit is accessible for all we also have a pdf which adheres to government guidelines of making documents more accessible and inclusive.
The toolkit is built from 6+ years of research with our partners, St Basils, on the MST4Life programme.
Our work is also informed by current literature and evidence for best practice.
Tools and tips for delivery are all underpinned by psychological theory:
Self-Determination Theory
Psychologically Informed Environments
Solution Focused Brief Therapy
Sport Psychology
Our partners have been instrumental in the development of the toolkit. Their experience and expertise have informed the design and content of the toolkit.
Find out more about this process below.
Young People
Young people from Youth Voice & St Basils contributed their views on the toolkit.
Young people's well-being is central to our work. This is why we've included a guide for how to deliver - to maximise growth and minimise harm.
Being co-designed, our toolkit has received input from our partners. In addition to these insightful views, we took on board the views of people working in the sector during our toolkit launch event.
In the box below, click right to find out a little more about each stage!
Feedback & testimonials
"The MST Team worked with five members of Youth Voice to look at how engaging the toolkit would be applicable to young people and also facilitators– This was a creative session allowing young people to look at the toolkit to see what would work well" - staff
"It has been fantastic working with the passionate MST4Life Team, and see the development of this toolkit, I’ve been impressed by the dedication they have to getting it right for the sector and young people themselves, and the time the team has taken to receive and reflect upon feedback and integrate this into the resources. This is a fantastic, accessible resource that provides professionals with information and tools to create safe environments from which young people’s self-worth and empowerment can be explored and promoted." - staff