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Welcome to our resources page, here you can find useful tools and documents that can complement your practice or the tools in our toolkit. â€‹

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Photo by Oleg Magni on Reshot





Photo by Tatiana Maramygina on Reshot


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Photo by Brooke P on Reshot


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Interactive tools


If you've worked with us or read our Delivery Guide you'll know how much importance we place on how we deliver content. The Delivery Guide is a resource that compliments our toolkit and has been co-designed to ensure we promote positive outcomes and reduce the risk of causing harm to young people. This is supported by research, first hand experience and views of those in the sector.

We also recommend using our self-reflection tool to guide your delivery style when working in one-to-one or group-based settings (see link below). The tool could also help structure your reflections after delivering an activity, as well as, help build awareness of your own strengths and areas for improvement.

Delivery Style
Strengths Proile


The strengths profile is our unique take on performance profiling from sport psychology. In adapting the tool, we've used it to capture young people's perceptions of their mental strengths. Below you can access our new strengths profile, adapted based on feedback from those working in the youth homeless sector.


Want to learn a little bit more? Why not check out our blog post on the strengths profile too.

As with all our resources, the strengths profile is supported by evidence. Below you'll find a recent publication showing the use of the strengths profile in our MST4Life programme. 

Dream team


The dream team activity can be impactful tool; however, discussing your personal support network can be a sensitive subject. This can depend on your client's current support network, previous experience with people close to them or what's currently going on in their lives. When using this tool, professional judgement and knowing your client is essential. 


If you're unsure whether this tool would be suitable for your client, see the link below for common responses we've had to this activity and different ways of delivering it

We've also teamed up with, Fika - who specialise in building students' Mental Fitness through Emotional Education. On their app, you can find members of our team talking about the importance of support networks and who's in their dream team. Click on the links below to find out more about Fika and our collaboration with them.   


Goal setting


Building from evidence-based principles of SMART goals and goal-setting techniques used in sport psychology, below you'll find links to the goal setting tool included in our toolkit and an alternative goal-setting ladder, which may help your client to visualise their plans to progress towards their goals. 

When you're looking to move forward in whatever you're doing, setting goals is a good place to start. Whilst this might be considered common knowledge, how to set effective goals isn't. For example, did you know there's a difference between learning and performance goals? Knowing which goals are right for you can help you stay on track - read more in our blog post.

Emotional Awareness


Based on Dr Miller's book, Mood Mapping, our emotional awareness tool aim to help bring awareness to how we're feeling at different times, in different places and around different people. Building emotional awareness is the first step to being able to manage our emotions more effectively. This can be a sensitive issue to discuss, so it might be worth allowing your client to shape how this tool is used. 

In the links below you'll find a template of the emotional awareness grid and a smaller version, which can be used when you're out and about to map your emotions within a closer time frame of when your experience them.



Originating from behaviour change psychology, the ‘If/Then’ technique is an ideal tool to use when there are perceived barriers in the way of achieving a goal or worries about an upcoming situation.


The ‘If/Then’ tool helps young people to use their strengths to plan how to be resilient when facing potential challenges. Eventually, with practice and repetition, the link between the ‘If’ statement and the ‘Then’ statement will become strong enough to help you change how you react. In the link below you can find the tool itself and supporting evidence for its use in sport psychology 

Coping Strategies


Successful athletes who use effective and adaptive coping strategies to handle stressful situations are likely to perform better. The link between relative success and the ability to handle stressful situations is also seen in many walks of life, in a wide range of different circumstances.


​With this in mind, our STOP tool pulls from a simple 2x2 grid familiar in sport psychology to help breakdown different coping styles and strategies. The STOP tool can be a great asset to reflect on how we've handled stressful situations in the past and how we could respond to them in the future. Try the tool yourself by clicking on the link below:


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School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

University of Birmingham


Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

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