Image description: Screenshot of where to find Kirsty’s blog on the Covidence website: www.covidence.org
Kirsty Brown, who is completing a 1+3 ESRC funded PhD, has recently written a blog for the systematic review software tool, Covidence. Kirsty used Covidence to complete a scoping review study focused on ‘Athletes’ access to, attitudes towards and experiences of help-seeking for mental health’for her MSc by Research.
The Covidence blog highlights:
The scoping review that Kirsty used Covidence for.
What Kirsty liked about using Covidence.
Kirsty's favourite features of Covidence.
Find out more about what a scoping review is and how Kirsty completed hers by reading our recent blog post focused on these topics here.
Picture credit: Kirsty Brown and Covidence.
Written by Kirsty Brown, PhD Researcher in the SPRINT Project, and Dr Sally Reynard, Research Associate in the SPRINT Project.