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We have several ongoing research projects spanning sports psychology, health, and community-based research.
See below for a list of our research projects and relevant research publications.
PhD, MRes and MSc Projects

PhD, MRes and Msc projects

Physical activity and health in homeless young people (PhD)

Grace Tidmarsh



Dr Jennifer Cumming

Professor Janice Thompson

Investigating the relationships between young people's emotional regulation and indicators of mental health in sport

Georgia Bird



Dr Jennifer Cumming

Dr Mary Quinton

Positive youth development programmes for homeless young people (PhD)

Benjamin Parry



Dr Jennifer Cumming

Dr Mark Holland

Professor Janice Thompson

“Does social inclusion status matter in MST4LifeTM programme for the development of connectedness, self-regulation and resilience?" (MSc)

Zhoujia Ma



Dr Jenn Cumming

Dr Mary Quinton





Academic publications


See project lead Jenn Cumming's website for a more extensive list of academic publications


Cooley, S. J., Eves, F. E., Cumming, J., & Burns, V.E. (2018). “Hitting the ground running”: preparing groups for outdoor learning using a theoretically-based video. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.


Cooley, S. J., Burns, V. E., & Cumming, J. (2016). Using outdoor adventure education to develop student groupwork skills: A quantitative exploration of reaction and learning. Journal of Experiential Education.


Cooley, S. J., Burns, V. E., & Cumming, J. (2015). The Role of Outdoor Education in Facilitating Groupwork in Higher Education. Higher Education.


Cooley, S. J., Cumming, J., Holland, M. J. G., & Burns, V. E. (2015). Developing the Model for Optimal Learning and Transfer (MOLT) following an evaluation of outdoor groupwork skills programmes. European Journal of Training and Development, 39, 104-121.


Cumming, J., Woodcock, C., Cooley, S. J., Holland, M. J. G., & Burns, V. E. (2015). Development and validation of the groupwork skills questionnaire. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40, 988-101.


Cooley, S. J., Holland, M. J. G., Cumming, J., Novakovic, E. G., Burns, V. E. (2014). Introducing the use of a semi-structured video diary room to investigate students’ learning experiences during an outdoor adventure education groupwork skills course. Higher Education, 67, 105-121.


Sharp, L., Holland, M. J. G., Woodcock, C., Cumming, J., & Duda, J. L. (2013) A qualitative evaluation of a mental skills training program with youth athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 27, 219-232.


Woodcock, C., Holland, M. J. G., Duda, J. L., & Cumming, J. (2011). Psychological qualities and techniques relevant to young elite athletes: Significant other perceptions. The Sport Psychologist, 25, 411-443.


Holland, M. J., G., Woodcock, C., Cumming, J., & Duda, J. L. (2010). Mental qualities and employed mental techniques of young elite team sport athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 4, 19-38.


Book chapters


Cumming, J., Skeate, A., & Templeton, J. (2018). Psychologically informed environment: enhancing St Basils’ homeless services for young people.  In J. Stewart & Z. Lynch (Eds), Environment Health and Housing: Issues for Public Health (pp. 31-32). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.


Cumming, J., & Cooley, S. (2018).  Mental health and the homeless: summary of MST4Life. In J. Stewart & Z. Lynch (Eds), Environment Health and Housing: Issues for Public Health (pp. 32-33). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.


Holland, M. J. G., Cooley, S. J., & Cumming, J. (in press). Identifying, measuring, and facilitating psychological skill development.  In C. Knight, C. Harwood, & D. Gould (Eds.), Sport Psychology for Young Athletes.  Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.






Whiting, R. J. Quinton, M. L., & Cumming, J. (2019). Transitions out of care for looked after children with multiple and complex needs: A literature review.  A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Whiting, R. J., Cooley, S. J., Thomas, S., Quinton, M. L., & Cumming, J. (2019).  Transforming pathways out of care for 16/17 year olds: An evaluation report for the LGA children’s efficiency project.  A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK: Authors.




Cooley, S. J., Ridyard, S., Skeate, A., & Cumming, J. (2018).  Parenting young people: A scoping review of existing parenting interventions. A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Cumming, J., Quinton, M. L., Cooley, S. J., Parry, B. J., Whiting, R., & Holland, M. J. G. (2018).  St Basils transformational model of youth services: Process evaluation.  A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK: Authors.




Cumming, J. (2017). Evaluation of St Basils Psychologically Informed Environments: Report on 2016 Staff Survey findings.  A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK: Authors.




Cooley, S. J., Quinton, M. L., Holland, M. J. G., Parry, B. J., & Cumming, J. (2016). MST4Life™ at St Basils: Year 2 report. Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Skeate, A., Cumming, J., Rutherford, D., Esien L, & Templeton, J. (2016). Parenting Young People: Report on a Psychologically Informed Parenting Programme. A report published by the University of Birmingham, UK. 




Cooley, S. J., Holland, M. J. G., Quinton, M. L., Parry, B. J., & Cumming, J. (2015). Mental skills training for life at St Basils: Year 1 report. Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Cumming, J., Cooley, S. J., Quinton, M. L., & Holland, M. J. G. (2015).  Mental Skills Training Evaluation Plan for St Basils. Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Cumming, J. Cooley, S. J., Quinton, M. L., Holland, M. J. G., Jabbour, L., & Skeate, A. (2015). Monday Trust Funding Evaluation Plan for St Basils. Birmingham, UK: Authors. 


Cumming, J., Cooley, S. J., Quinton, M. L., Serra de Quieroz, F., & Holland, M. J. G. (2015). Working together to develop mental skills training support for St Basils staff. Birmingham, UK: Authors.




Cooley, S. J., Holland, M. J. G., Quinton, M. L., Burns, V. E., & Cumming, J. (2014). Mental skills training in young people living at St Basils: An evaluation and recommendations following a pilot programme. Birmingham, UK: Authors.


Cumming, J., & Cooley, S. J. (2014). Plan for Implementing Mental Skills Training within BOOST 2014-2017.  Birmingham, UK: Author.


Cumming, J., Quinton, M. L., & Holland, M. J. G. (2014). Recommendations for enhancing mental skills of young people living at St Basils: Results of a training needs analysis. Birmingham, UK: Authors.


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School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

University of Birmingham


Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

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